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Fire of His Holy Zeal burning in our hearts

Pour out Your Spirit upon me Oh Lord and anoint me with the Spirit of Truth.

Cause me to abound in wisdom and understanding of both the things of Heaven and the things of the earth.

Overshadow me with Your Spirit of power and might that I may do battle with the empire of Satan and wrestle control for the souls of many from his grip.

Heal me of all the sicknesses of my spirit, my soul, and my body that I may have the strength to go forth to do battle against the evil one.

For I can do all things when You strengthen me, Oh Lord.

Paul said, " We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us."

Brethren, having our strength renewed and the fire of His Holy Zeal burning in our hearts we can become more than conquerors by being liberators of the souls of many.

©08/29/2001 Jim Welch

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