Scriptural references for:

teach others of the truth with the spirit of meekness

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©12/13/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

teach others of the truth with the spirit of meekness

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

The advocates of religious oppression are never sent by God, they do not know God and they do not represent God.
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What they do hinders the true work of God; therefore they have become enemies of God.
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Brethren, God chooses those who seek for Him by their own free will.
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They who are coerced or persuaded by others (oppressors) to profess God or to join a religious organization by fear tactics or arm twisting are unacceptable to God.
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Remember always, that no one has ever or shall ever enter the Kingdom of God unless God the Father has chosen him and God the Father chooses them who of their own free will seek for Him.
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Jesus said, "my sheep will hear my voice and I know them and they follow me."
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Let us therefore teach others of the truth with the spirit of meekness and humility.
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