Scriptural references for:

Do not attempt to control God

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©1/14/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Do not attempt to control God

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Et sic de similibus references:

Brethren, if you lack wisdom or are confused or need help in making an important decision in your life, ask of God who pours out His Spirit of truth upon all men who ask of Him.

Ask of God in faith, nothing wavering.
If you ask for wisdom and understanding in faith willing to abide by whatsoever He says unto you He will liberally give unto you all that you ask and withhold nothing.

If you ask, but in your heart you have decided to only do what He says if it fits in with what you want and your own personal selfish desires, you will not receive a single word from Him.

Always remember, God can see instantly what is in your heart and God cannot be deceived.
Do not attempt to control God.

Let Thy will be done in my life, Oh Lord.