Scriptural references for:

Without Christ we can do nothing

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©1/21/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Without Christ we can do nothing

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Enter into God's Presence with a contrite heart, seeking to renew a right relationship with God, being renewed daily by the purification of the water of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

Without Christ we can do nothing and be nothing in the sight of God.
Jesus Christ is able to purge our lives from the dark stain of sin and restore us to the perfect bond of a right relationship with God called love.

When our love abounds for God we are well pleasing in the sight of God.

If we have no love in our hearts for God we have committed the worst of all sins because we have violated the greatest of all of God's commandments.

It is the feelings of love, joy and peace that comes from God, the fruits of His Spirit, that restores meaning to our lives. Amen.