Scriptural references for:

His words supply a sure foundation

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Flowers in Roseville
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©07/01/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

His words supply a sure foundation

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Et sic de similibus references:

Heaven and earth will pass away and the works of man will be no more, but the words of the Lord will endure forever.
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His words will outlast the mountains and they will outlast the sea.
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His words supply a sure foundation for me.
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Brethren, since His words will last forever than all who believe and abide in His words shall also live forever.
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The keys to everlasting life is the word of God and all other ways are sinking sand.
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Brethren, Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Word of God.
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He was then, He is now and will be forever.
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Jesus said, " he who believes in me, even if he die, shall live; and whosoever lives ad believes in me shall never die."
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Jesus the Word of God is the key to eternity.
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