Scriptural references for:

Hear the Voice of God

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©06/07/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Hear the Voice of God

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Hear the Voice of God when He speaks directly to you and do not turn a deaf ear to His utterances.
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For His words are the words of life and they will strengthen you in the time of need.
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Jesus said, " You have ears but you hear not, eyes and you see not."
Jesus said, " I have come that blind would see and the deaf hear."

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Brethren, let Jesus renew your spirit and open your spiritual eyes and ears that you may directly commune with God and God with you.
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There is no substitute for directly communing with God and walking in the spirit with His Spirit, hand in Hand continually in the perfect bond of Eternal and Everlasting Love.
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All else may fail, but His Love will never fail.
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