Scriptural references for:

Renew a right spirit within me

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©06/10/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Renew a right spirit within me

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Et sic de similibus references:

Lead me into the pathways of righteousness for Your Names sake and deliver me from all evil, Oh God, that I may do Your will on earth as it is in Heaven.
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Send Your Spirit of Truth to me to guide me into all truth and wisdom and to bring to my remembrance the words of Jesus Christ which is the Gospel of Salvation.
(Scripture references under construction)

Make straight the pathways before me and send the wind of Your Spirit of Power and Might to blow upon my back to help carry me through the arduous journey of my earthly life.
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Renew a right spirit within me and fill my heart to overflowing with a bountiful measure of the greatest of all virtues, love.
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Cause my life to be a shining example of Your workmanship and make me to be a candle that brings Your Spiritual light, hope and truth to Your precious children everywhere.
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