Scriptural references for:

Blessed are all who seek after God

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©06/21/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

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Blessed are all who seek after God with all their hearts, minds and souls.
For they shall find Him and He shall be their God and they shall be His chosen people.

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God rewards those who diligently seek Him by an increase in Heavenly virtue, wisdom and power and grants to them eternal and everlasting life filled with glory.
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Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His justice and all these things (the things of God) shall be given you."
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Paul said, "One man sows and another waters but God grants the increase."
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All increase in Heavenly things are born of God, not by the will of man nor by the efforts of man, but of God.
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Brethren, if you lack any good thing seek God and there you will find it.
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