Scriptural references for:

My sheep will hear My Voice

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©03/08/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

My sheep will hear My Voice

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

From henceforth I will speak plainly, sayeth the Lord.
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All my children will hear My Voice and they will come and all those who heareth not My Voice are not My children.
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Jesus said, " My sheep will hear My Voice and they will come."
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It is My Spirit that bears witness with your spirit that you are my children and I am known by all My children.
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None of those who are not My children heareth My Voice, neither will they come.
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Be not deceived brethren, either you are one of God's children or you are not one of God's children.
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There is no in between.
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Jesus taught us to first get alone with our Father before we pray, "Our Father who art in Heaven.."
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If you know how to get alone with God and be aware of His Presence, then you are His child.
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