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He who sins is a slave to sin

Who is he that overcomes the world but he that believes Jesus is the Son of God.

It is through Jesus Christ that we are given the power to overcome the sin in our lives and without Jesus Christ sin would overpower us.
He who sins is a slave to sin and sin is his master.

We have as it were become prisoners to our own sin and are of ourselves unable to break the chains of sin that enslaves us.
But Jesus Christ has prevailed to break the fetters of the chains of sin that has bound us into slavery and has set us all free of it's captivity.

He who the Son of God sets free is free indeed.

Jesus Christ came into this world to set the captives free and has become the Deliverer of all mankind, that through Him all men may obtain unto Everlasting and Eternal Life.

©05/23/2001 Jim Welch

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