Scriptural references for:

daily renewed by the regenerating power of God

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©11/19/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

daily renewed by the regenerating power of God

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Lest at anytime you would fall from grace and your life would become shipwrecked upon the rocks of sin, seek to live a holy and pure life all the time, night and day.
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Brethren, sin can and will destroy your life if you allow it to take hold in your life.
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Jesus did not come into this world to enable us to sin nor to hide our sins from God.
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He came to purge our lives from sin and to enable us to live sanctified and holy lives.
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Be daily renewed by the regenerating power of God's Holy Spirit of truth and hearken unto His reproof of sin and judgment.
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Never go against your conscience because it is the little light that God has given to every man.
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Daily I will seek to walk nearer to Thee, Oh Lord. Amen.
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