Scriptural references for:

Yield yourself to the Spirit of God

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©11/29/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Yield yourself to the Spirit of God

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Yield yourself to the Spirit of God and let Him direct your life, for He and He alone is able to plot a path through the maze of religious confusion that besets you.
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If you walk with God and listen to His Voice, He will guide you through the darkness that prevails in all the lands.
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God and God alone is the Light that illuminates your life. and from Him all darkness flees away.
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There can be no fellowship; light with darkness, men of truth with liars, liberators with oppressors or a loving person with a hateful person.
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Decide this day which pathway you will follow, the pathway of light or the pathway of darkness?
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Remember, in order to be in the light you must walk with God.
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God is God and He is the Source of all goodness and truth.
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Come and let us walk with Him. Amen.
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