Scriptural references for:

The solution for darkness is Light

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of Author's own flower garden
©09/04/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

The solution for darkness is Light

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Let all things be done openly and honestly with peace and love.
(Scripture references under construction)

Be kind to all people and gentle to all little children.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, you may be the only kind and loving person some child ever knew.
(Scripture references under construction)

You may be the only witness of God's Light in an otherwise dark and bleak world that some little child is going through.
(Scripture references under construction)

Brethren, when you allow your love to wax cold because you are perceiving the world to be harsh and cruel, you become part of the problem instead of being part of the solution.
(Scripture references under construction)

The solution for darkness is Light.
(Scripture references under construction)

The solution for bitterness and hate is love.
(Scripture references under construction)

The solution for discouragement and despair is hope.
(Scripture references under construction)

The solution for a life that seems to lack meaning and purpose is faith.
(Scripture references under construction)

(Scripture references under construction)