Scriptural references for:

are you ready to meet your Maker?

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©09/10/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

are you ready to meet your Maker?

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

Father God, You have laid out the immense expanse of the heavens with a mere sweep of Your Right Hand.
(Scripture references under construction)

So vast is the universe You have created that even the largest of the giant telescopes cannot see to the edge thereof.
(Scripture references under construction)

Your creating power is so awesome it staggers the imaginations of even the wisest of men.
(Scripture references under construction)

With You, Oh God, all things are possible and nothing is impossible.
(Scripture references under construction)

Since you have given us our lives and consciousness to begin with You are more than able to restore them after we die.
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Jesus said, " I am the resurrection and the life."
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In the days, at the end of time, all the dead shall be resurrected, some to live in glory and some to live in everlasting shame.
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Brethren, are you ready to meet your Maker?
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