Scriptural references for:

never stop seeking after God

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©09/21/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

never stop seeking after God

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Et sic de similibus references:

Let us grow in the faith, deepening our understanding of God and the word of God and not allowing ourselves to get stuck in some religious rut that stifles our spiritual growth.
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Brethren, no matter how much we learn of God and God's ways we will have only just scratched the surface of His Infinite wisdom and truth.
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All times liken yourself as one who has launched himself on an infinite voyage of discovery and the journey has just begun.
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With all your getting get wisdom and understanding.
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Never stop seeking after God and learning more of His Ways.
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The day we stop seeking is the day we begin to perish.
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Seek after God with all your heart, mind and soul and God will grant you the keys of understanding.
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