Scriptural references for:

Love is the foundation of godliness

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©09/28/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Love is the foundation of godliness

Verbatim references:


Et sic de similibus references:

If a man loves God he will seek to serve God.
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Jesus said, " dost thou love Me? feed My lambs."
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In our hearts we generally desire to do good things for those whom we love.
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The same is true if we love God.
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They who do evil do so because they are motivated by hate.
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The root of all good things that men do is love.
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Love is the foundation of godliness and true holiness.
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Love is what makes holy men walk with God and it is what makes holy men holy.
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They who hate are never holy, but evil.
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Every diabolical act ever done was born of hate.
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Alliances created because of a common enemy will not endure because they are not founded on the foundation of love.
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Love never fails.
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Let love then be the guiding light of your life, not fear.
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In perfect love there is no fear.
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