Scriptural references for:

Set your affections on things above

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©1/20/2001 Jim Welch
Scriptural references for:

Set your affections on things above

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In these last days many will lose their love for God and will fall away from the truth, allowing bitterness and hatred to erode the precincts of their hearts, replacing the inalienable precepts of God's Heavenly Truths with philosophies devised by men with impure and corrupted minds.

Howbeit, a few will choose to steadfastly abound with the love of God remaining faithful to the truths of God imputed to them by the Holy Spirit sent by God.

Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.

Let us then seek those things which are above, where Jesus Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Let us then grow in the spirit by abounding with love both for God and on behalf of God and be reestablished on the sure foundation of inalienable truths by allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us all things.